Grade 3 – Grade 7
Discover your child’s inner interest and passion At an early stage
Discovering Passion – Project Based Learning
This program is designed to discover a child’s passion through various projects, activities and real-world experience. Children do 30-40 projects from a variety of fields (Carpentry, Construction, Arts, Robotics, Engineering, Govt, Farming, Healthcare, Design, Etc ) and all of them are real-world projects. Children meet and work with experts and professionals during this time.
Projects are designed as multi-age group projects, same age group projects or independent projects; The iDiscover program harnesses the essence of 21st-century education by exposing children to real authentic projects, encouraging them to discover knowledge in various domains and by pushing them to pursue their ultimate passion. The projects are designed in such a way that students undertake tasks and activities which require perseverance, craftsmanship, imagination, critical thinking and creative thinking skills. Undertaking of such projects help the child in gaining self confidence, increases their risk taking ability, helps them do their work independently and analyse the problems deeply.
Curriculum Concept
World Class Curriculum
20+ Experts
30+ Projects
40+ Field Trips / Industrial visits
50+ Presentations
Self Learning
The Right Environtment To Excel ...
Academic Excellence
For every project, experts are invited to work with learners and help learners to understand the problem, get feedback on the learner’s product/outlook and share their experience. For most of the projects, there will be a need to go to the field trip to attend a meeting, learn things or meet experts. These kind of experiences provides an immersive learning experience to bring professional work culture
The projects are designed in such a way that students undertake tasks and activities which require perseverance, craftsmanship, imagination, critical thinking and creative thinking skills. The undertaking of such projects help the child in gaining self-confidence, increases their risk-taking ability, helps them do their work independently and analyze the problems deeply.

Learners have to be taught the following scientific thinking skills besides introducing science concepts.
- Observing, Measuring, Recording
- Classifying - Inferring-Analyzing- Interpreting the observed fact, data
- Inquiring- Experimenting-Evaluating
- Synthesizing- Creating- Applying learnt concept to new context
- Defining-Modeling – Communicating the concepts
The concepts under science are organized and taught under the above skills. For each of the skills, activities and learning material are provided for the various concepts. Curriculum activities are designed with real-world problems, and content will be integrated into project-based learning approach. Students will solve those problems in projects, and in most cases, the solutions will be useful for the school community, local community. Curriculum content also enables them to take up science-based courses for higher studies.
The objective of the Mathematics curriculum is to impart the following major skills, unlike normal practices of teaching only the calculation and computing skills.
- Identifying patterns, problems, contexts in nature and formulating it into mathematical statements
- Using various computing techniques (mental calculation, paper-based calculation, computer, calculator based calculation) to solve the formulated problems in the first step.
- Expressing and presenting the results, implications in language that can be elegantly understood and purposeful for the users
Curriculum content is designed with real-world problems, and content will be integrated into project based learning approach which we follow. In most cases, the solutions will be useful for the school community, local community. For example, a sixth grader will be able to analyze the school bus routes and will collect, analyze the data and compute and present the results to prove his efficient solution. Curriculum content also enables them to take up mathematical courses for higher studies at ease.

Personalised Text Books - Learning for Mastery
The iDiscover program helps children to have a solid foundation of the concepts in maths and languages. From Grade 3 children get personalised maths books based on their level for Arithmetic, Geomatry and Alebrega. Once they complete their level and they can move to the next level without waiting for other children. For English also, they get personalised books based on their level for Reading Comprehension, Writing Comprehension, Vocabulary and Grammer.
Extra Curriculars

In the iDiscover program, children have the opportunity of specializing in classical or contemporary. Our passionate in house dancers can inspire and help children in their dance journey.
Children will be asked to explore all the 5 or 6 sports. At the end of their first year in iDiscover, they can opt for one sport out of the five and become specialized, or they can enjoy all games as a non-professional model.

In the iDiscover program, children have the opportunity of specializing in classical or contemporary. Our passionate in house dancers can inspire and help children in their dance journey.

In the iDiscover Program, all children from Grade 3 choose their favorite instruments and start mastering them, and we have excellent musicians who can help children learn Keyboard, Violin, Flute and Guitar.

Extra Curricular Offerings
1. Football, 2. Basketball, 3. Volleyball, 4. Golf, 5. Tennis, 6. Cricket, 7. Rugby, 8. Hockey, 9. Baseball, 10. Keyboard, 11. Violin, 12. Guitar, 13. Singing

“Come and Visit our campus."
Come and understand how Greenvalley iDiscover program develops your child’s passion and interest.